Intimate Hygiene Tips For Men: Monsoon brings a lot of germs along with the gift of a better season. Due to the humid weather, we get bathed in sweat. Excessive sweating also increases the risk of many types of infections. Unless you take special care of your hygiene, you will be at an increased risk of infection, or you may be uncomfortable. Maintaining hygiene does not just mean bathing or brushing daily, but also personal hygiene, especially during monsoons.

Personal hygiene tips for men this monsoon
Change your underwear daily

By the way, no matter what the weather, the undergarments should be changed daily. The risk of infection increases especially in monsoons due to humidity and humidity, so make it a habit and change your undergarments daily. With this habit, you will be protected from infection, fungus, and bacteria.

Keep genitals dry
It is very important to wash and keep your private parts clean, as the skin in that area is very sensitive. So whenever you go to the washroom, wash your private parts with water and then dry them thoroughly with tissue paper.

Take healthy diet
Eating nutritious food will reduce sweating and will also help in reducing body odor. To help improve the smell around the private parts, eat citrus fruits like oranges, and lemons and green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale. Apart from this, keep your water intake good and include green tea in your diet.

Be sure to trim
Trim your pubic hair regularly. Shaving after showering is a good idea, especially if you shower in hot water, which opens up the pores and softens the hair. If you use a razor, change the blade of your razor frequently. If you use an electric trimmer, clean it regularly.

Wash genitals after intercourse
Washing your genitals after intercourse is not only a good habit, but it also protects you from many types of infections. Women are also attracted to such men, who take care of their private hygiene. At the same time, you also reduce the chances of infection with many types of serious viruses or bacteria.