It is natural for memory to become weak with age. But at an early age, if you forget to keep things or if you do not remember someone's words, then it is a sign of your memory being weak. This problem is seen nowadays not only in the youth but also in some children, they also have difficulty remembering things. This can often be due to nutritional deficiency or due to injury or illness. Research has also revealed that a complete and nutritious diet is very important for the better development of the brain. In such a situation, if you also feel that your memory is getting weak, then these Ayurvedic remedies can help you in increasing your memory.

Follow these Ayurvedic remedies to increase memory

- Regular consumption of Brahmi milk improves memory, the best thing is that it does not have any side effects.To prepare Brahmi milk, put half a teaspoon of Brahmi in 1 glass of milk and boil it for about 2 minutes. Now drink this milk before sleeping.

Consuming saffron and carrot juice improves memory ability. They contain the presence of carotenoids, which boost memory power. To make carrot juice, take 3 fresh carrots, mix 1/4 beetroot, 1 teaspoon flaxseed, and a few drops of olive oil and grind it well. Consuming this juice improves memory.

For good memory power, do exercise or walk at least 5 times a week. Especially brisk walk improves our blood circulation, which increases memory power. So do walk at least 5 times a week.

You can also take the help of some yoga asanas to increase your memory. Asanas like Halasana, Shirshasana, Cobra, and Dhanush yoga can improve blood circulation. With the help of these yoga asanas, you can boost your memory power.

In addition to green vegetables in the diet, including things like walnuts, almonds, milk, and ghee, the working capacity of your brain is good. Apart from this, eating purple-colored grapes also improves the ability of memory.

These things make the memory weak- Things

like pesticides, hydrogenated foods, meat, vegetable oils, artificial colors, etc. work to make your memory weak.