Some advice from relatives can ruin your relationship and your bonding with your husband can get worse instead of getting better. The specialty of a good relationship is the positivity in it, which keeps you happy as well as helps you move forward. If this is not happening, then it means that your relationship is showing signs of breaking up somewhere. When the family or relatives come to know about these differences, they start giving advice. But there are many such advice from relatives, which instead of making the relationship, bring it to the brink of breaking.

Everything will be fine with time
You cannot sit idle and believe the advice given by relatives that everything will be fine with time, because sometimes time slips away and the relationship deteriorates. Therefore, when there is even a little bitterness in your relationship, you should try to fix things between you two.

Advice to leave in-laws' house
When the relationship deteriorates, the special advice of relatives is to leave the in-laws' house. According to them, everything becomes fine by living separately from mother-in-law and father-in-law. But if you want to keep your relationship intact, then do not listen to the advice of relatives.

Plan your pregnancy
When your relatives get to know about your deteriorating relationship, usually their first advice is to plan your pregnancy now, everything will be fine. It would be better to fix your relationship before planning pregnancy. The decision to have a child should be of both of you, not of the relatives.

Household chores are suited for women only
and women do most of the household work. But if you ever ask your husband to help you with even a small task in front of relatives, then he will often taunt you that household work is not a man's job and he will say the same thing to other people as well. In this way, the news will spread outside the house that men do the work in your house. This taunt also changes the behavior of your husband. In such a situation, you should talk to him openly.

If it is a matter of self-respect, do not bow down.
As soon as your relatives come to know about your differences, many counselors will come to advise you that if you have self-respect, do not bow down. Do not pay attention to their advice at all, because such advice can also spoil your good relationship. To maintain a relationship, sometimes small things have to be ignored.

Before making a big decision
Dr. S. Dhananjay, Clinical Psychologist of the National Mental Health Program, says, that if you feel that you are not getting enough love from your in-laws, then first find out the reason. Are you treating your in-laws like parents, sister-in-law like a sister, and brother-in-law like a brother, and giving them respect? How someone treats you in your in-laws' house reflects his personality. You cannot satisfy everyone in the world. Just keep one thing in mind you do not insult anyone. If you are treated unpleasantly, then discuss it in private and tell your husband calmly. Before taking a big decision, discuss it with your in-laws and parents and if things do not work out, seek advice from a psychologist.