All the organs of the body require regular oxygenated blood to function properly. Without oxygen, there can be a risk of damage to the cells of the organs and organ failure. To ensure a continuous supply of oxygen to all the organs, your lungs must be healthy and keep working properly.

Any problem in the lungs can be harmful to overall health. Health experts say that lung diseases are increasing due to many types of environmental and routine disturbances.

Doctors say lung diseases can be fatal. Sometimes people think that difficulty in breathing is a problem only with increasing age. But you can have these problems even at a young age. It is important to pay attention to such symptoms as these can also be early symptoms of lung disease.

World Lung Day is celebrated every year on 25 September to raise awareness about lung health and promote better lung care around the world. Let us know about the early signs by paying attention to which you can avoid serious lung problems.

Lung diseases can be dangerous.
Statistics show that millions of people die every year due to all kinds of lung-related diseases. Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD) is the third leading cause of death worldwide, in the year 2019, about 4 million (40 lakh) people died due to it. Increasing air pollution and smoking habits are considered to be the main factors for these diseases. Children are also found to be victims of this serious problem.

Let us know about the early signs of lung disease or CRD.

Long-term cough
If you have a cough for eight weeks or more, it is considered a chronic cough problem. This is an important early symptom that tells you that something is wrong with your respiratory system. Be it asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or a serious respiratory problem like TB, coughing has been a major symptom in all of these. Medical advice is necessary for this.

Apart from this, if you are having trouble coughing up blood, then this is also considered a serious health sign, and it becomes necessary to get emergency medical attention. Do not ignore such symptoms.

Shortness of breath without any effort

Shortness of breath after exercising, walking for a long time, or doing any strenuous work is normal. However, shortness of breath with little or no effort can be a sign of reduced lung function. Along with this, you may feel discomfort or difficulty in breathing. Such problems are considered a sign of serious respiratory diseases, which require immediate attention.

Mucus formation and wheezing

Mucus, also known as phlegm, is a protective layer produced by the airways as a defense against infection or irritation. If you have been producing a lot of mucus for a few days, it is a clear sign that there may be an infection in the lungs or respiratory tract. Ignoring the symptoms of infection can lead to its spread, so it is important to pay serious attention to mucus-cough problems for more than a week.

Apart from this, if there is a wheezing sound from the lungs while breathing, it may be a sign that something unusual is blocking the airways of your lungs. Such symptoms should be paid attention to in time.