The lungs are a very important organ in the body that works to run the respiratory system smoothly. Lungs continuously provide oxygen to our bodies. Nowadays it is being seen that due to poor lifestyle and pollution, the lungs have started getting weak. If they do not remain healthy, then breathing is difficult. In such a situation, every possible effort must be made to improve the health of the lungs. The easiest way is your diet which can make the lungs strong while nourishing the body. Today, in this episode, we are going to tell you about those foods which make you healthy by acting as a healer of the lungs. Let's know about them...

Whole grains
Whole grains are considered a healthy diet for the lungs. A sufficient amount of fiber, vitamin E, and many essential nutrients are found in it. Apart from this, it is rich in anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. You can include foods made from wheat, barley, moong, etc. in your diet.

Turmeric milk
Turmeric contains curcumin which is not only effective in fighting cancer but also cures lung infections and inflammation. Curcumin is full of anti-inflammatory properties and when mixed with warm milk, it strengthens the lungs by expelling phlegm and removing infections.

Pumpkins are one of the excellent sources of potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and various carotenoids. These seasonal foods are ideal for protecting lung health. Several nutrients have been identified in pumpkins that are associated with lower levels of oxidative stress and lung cancer.

Consuming fenugreek can also be beneficial to keep the lungs healthy. You can drink fenugreek tea for healthy lungs. Drinking fenugreek tea reduces phlegm. Due to the emptying of the lungs, the risk of infection in the lungs also reduces. Significantly, in diseases like asthma, bronchitis, and the coronavirus, there is an infection in the lungs. As a result, phlegm builds up in excess and starts accumulating in the chest. By drinking fenugreek decoction or fenugreek tea, this accumulated phlegm softens and comes out of the body.

Ginger is a powerful herb. Being a strong antioxidant and rich in anti-microbial properties, it is considered beneficial for keeping the lungs healthy and improving the immune system. It is also known to eliminate air pollutants and tobacco smoke from the lungs. Along with this, it also proves effective in many chronic lung diseases like phlegm in the lungs, bronchitis, and asthma.

You can also eat walnuts to keep the lungs healthy. Omega-3 fatty acids are mainly present in it. Eating a handful of walnuts can help fight asthma and other respiratory problems. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory nutrients, which can reduce problems related to inflammation.

Beans contain many nutrients which make them an important part of our diet. But the folate content in them is especially important. Research has linked low folate levels with COPD, one of the most common and dangerous lung conditions. Black beans, lentils, and other legumes have very high levels of folate, and beans are easy to incorporate into your diet.

Pomegranate consumption is often referred to as an 'alternative cancer treatment' in cancer patients. Rich in minerals and vitamins, pomegranate is a fruit that is a potent source of antioxidants and anthocyanins. Apart from lung cancer, pomegranate is also helpful for people suffering from prostate, breast, colon, and skin cancer. In such a situation, including it in the diet can be beneficial for your lungs.

Broccoli is high in folate, phytochemicals, vitamin C, and carotenoids, which fight harmful substances present in the lungs. It is believed that the L-sulfur in broccoli Contains an active ingredient called the phone, which prompts cells to switch on anti-inflammatory genes, which can protect against respiratory problems.

Garlic has many health benefits, but one of the most important is related to the production of certain enzymes that stimulate the flavonoids in garlic. This enzyme rids itself with toxins and carcinogens to increase the efficiency of the body and lungs. That's why garlic is very beneficial to protect and defend the lungs.