Lung Cancer Symptoms: Lung cancer ie lung cancer is spreading rapidly in India. The main reason for this can be called smoking. Apart from this, there can be many other reasons, including chewing tobacco, exposure to secondhand smoke, exposure to hazardous substances such as asbestos or radon at home or workplace, and family history. However, if seen in India, most of the patients of lung cancer fall prey to it due to smoking. According to the news of Health Line, most of the people do not get to know about lung cancer at the initial stage and due to this it cannot be treated properly. If prevention measures are taken into consideration instead of treatment, then lung cancer can be treated accurately and its patient's life can be saved. Let us know what are the four major symptoms of lung cancer which should not be ignored at all. .

Symptoms of lung cancer –
1. Coughing for a long time and coughing up blood

Cough and that too persistent cough can be a major cause of lung cancer. Although cough cannot be called a disease, but if there is continuous cough with mucus and blood starts coming in the cough, then there is a need to get a medical examination done immediately. However, when there is a cough, doctors cannot identify that it is lung cancer because it is called a hidden stage. If the cough persists for more than four weeks, then there is a need to get the doctor examined.

2. Chest pain and difficulty in breathing
Having pain in the chest and feeling difficulty in breathing at any time can also be a symptom of lung cancer. If a person smokes more, then he and his close people should not ignore these symptoms. If there is pain in his chest, as well as he is short of breath while breathing, then it should be understood that there is a problem in the lungs.

3. Feeling tired, sudden weight loss
Symptoms of lung cancer also include feeling tired without any reason. Being tired all the time even without doing much work can also be a symptom of this. Mentally also the person feels tired and weak. He is not interested in anything. The person's weight suddenly starts falling and he starts feeling weak. He loses his appetite and starts feeling dizzy. These fatigue, weakness can be symptoms of lung cancer.

4. Pain in head, shoulder, back chest
Persistent pain in the head, persistent pain in the chest, shoulder or back and untimely fever can also be said to be symptoms of lung cancer. If a person is having fever with continuous weakness and cough, then a medical examination should be done. Those people who smoke continuously, if they are struggling with these conditions, then these can be called the symptoms of lung cancer.