The liver is the largest internal organ in the human body and performs several important functions, including making bile to break down food, storing nutrients, and protecting against disease. If there is any problem in this organ then you may have to give and take. That's why it is our big responsibility to protect the liver from disease. That's why recognize the warning sign of the disease in time.

How to recognize the symptoms of liver disease?
Yellowing of the skin

Whenever there is any kind of problem in the liver, its effect is directly visible on your skin. You must have noticed that when jaundice or jaundice occurs, the color of our skin and nails starts turning yellow. In such a situation, you should immediately go to the doctor and get the Bilirubin Test done.

Itchy skin
Whenever the liver is weak or damaged, bile starts forming in the blood, and then it starts accumulating in the lower part of the skin. Due to this, there may be a complaint of itching in the skin. Although itching can be due to many reasons, it is also a sign of liver disease.

Bluish patches on the skin
Many times blue rashes start appearing on the body and bleeding starts very easily, this is a big sign of a liver problem. The liver is not able to prepare the proteins which are required to prevent blood clotting in the right quantity, in such a situation, it is necessary to get the tests done immediately.

Spider angioma formation on the skin
Spider Angioma is a disease that occurs in the lower part of the skin, in which the level of estrogen in the body increases, then the skin texture starts to look like spider webs. If you feel like this, then understand that some kind of problem has occurred in the liver.