Liver diseases are being reported to be increasing rapidly globally. The risk of problems ranging from fatty liver to liver damage and liver failure is being seen even in younger people. These problems can occur due to lifestyle and dietary irregularities. But do you know that some types of medicines are also proving to be harmful to this part of the body?

Health experts say that excessive consumption of some types of medicines can be the main cause of liver damage, this is called drug-induced liver injury. Studies have shown that many allopathic medicines damage the liver. For example, medicines commonly used in TB can damage the liver, which is called anti-tubercular drug treatment-induced hepatitis. The list of such medicines is very long and a lot of research has also been done on it.

When there is a problem in the liver or it malfunctions, its ability to work may decrease. In such situations, serious consequences like jaundice, thinning of blood (coagulopathy), and unconsciousness can occur.

Herbal medicines can also be harmful
Senior physician Dr. Piyush Ranjan says, not only allopathic but herbal medicines are also seen to damage this organ. Nowadays people are inclined towards complementary and alternative medicine and herbal medicines. It has been believed that these medicines are safer.

Herbal medicines can also contain some chemical compounds like allopathic medicines. In such a situation, they can also damage the liver like allopathic medicines, this condition is called herbal-induced liver injury.

Be careful about some food items used daily
According to a study conducted in America, drug-induced liver injury is reported in about 20 percent of people. There are some centers in India too, which keep reporting about herbal-induced liver injury.

According to the reports, through chemical observation of the food items used in daily food, the details of chemical ingredients in them were mapped, the information of which has been published in many health journals. There are some very common things in it, such as everyone consumes turmeric. Consuming raw turmeric in excess can cause hepatotoxic i.e. more damage to the liver in some people. However, its percentage is very low and there is no need to panic much about it.

Too much Giloy is also harmful

It has also been observed that if it is consumed with black pepper, it can cause hepatotoxicity. It is harmful to the liver. Giloy emerged as an alternative medicine during Kovid. At that time, liver injury caused by the consumption of Giloy was revealed to a great extent.

What do experts say?

Green tea, which we use in our daily lives, can also cause liver injury. Apart from this, many weight loss medicines can also be harmful to the liver. Many Ayurvedic medicines contain heavy metals, such as gold, mercury, and arsenic, which can harm other parts of the body besides the liver. Therefore, one should be very careful about the consumption of any medicine.

One should not fall prey to tempting advertisements and should take medicines only on the advice of a doctor.