Liver cirrhosis is a very serious disease. According to an NCBI report, every year 20 lakh people in the world are dying due to liver disease, out of which 10 lakh people are losing their lives due to liver cirrhosis. In liver cirrhosis, a person's liver gets completely damaged. Due to liver damage, toxins are not able to get out of the body properly. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you what are the symptoms of liver cirrhosis, identifying which you can start treatment as soon as possible. Apart from this, we will also know what are the things that you should avoid to save the liver from damage.

Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis
Liver cirrhosis is a very insidious disease. Its symptoms are mostly detected only at the last stage. If you feel very tired then it can be a sign of liver cirrhosis. Apart from this, itching of the skin, yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), visible veins on the skin, redness in the palms of the hands, loss of periods, bleeding during menopause, decreased sex drive in men, breast enlargement, bleeding easily Flowing or bruising, loss of appetite, nausea, swelling of feet or ankles, etc. are all signs of liver cirrhosis.

These things increase the risk of liver cirrhosis
To stay healthy, it is very important to keep the liver healthy. That's why you should drink alcohol at all in liver cirrhosis, otherwise, it increases the risk of liver damage. Stop eating outside fast food and street food. All these things act like slow poison for your body. Do not take any kind of supplement without consulting the doctor.

Weight loss is important
When too much fat accumulates in the body, it also causes fat to accumulate in the liver, which increases the risk of liver cirrhosis. In such a situation, you should exercise regularly and avoid eating unhealthy food.