Every woman wants to make her face shiny and beautiful. Nowadays, due to bad lifestyle and wrong eating habits, the glow of the face goes away. Due to which many remain worried about their face. To increase the glow of your face, do these yoga asanas daily.


Nowadays, people are so busy in their work that they do not pay any attention to their eating habits, due to which its effect is visible on the face. To bring back the glow on your face, do Sarvangasana daily, it is quite easy to do.


You should do this easy Trikonasana for 5 minutes every day after waking up in the morning. With this, you will start seeing the effect on your face within 1 week.


You can do Halasana very easily. By doing this the blood circulation on the face increases significantly. You should do this to make the skin shiny and healthy.


Bhujangasana is very helpful in cleaning the face and making it glow from within. This makes breathing easier. Also removes acne


Bhardwajasana is very beneficial for keeping your body fit. You should do this for healthy and glowing skin. It also works to maintain proper digestion.

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