Black Friday 2023: Have you also been receiving Black Friday sale notifications from different shopping apps for the past few days? Not only this, there is a lot of discussion about Black Friday everywhere on social media these days. As Black Friday approaches, we hear, read, and see about it everywhere. Many brands sell their products with huge discounts on this occasion. However, now the question is, what is the relation of shopping, sales, and discounts with Black Friday and what is it after all?

If you also have many questions in your mind regarding Black Friday and you want to know about it in detail, then in this article we are going to tell you about all the important things related to this day. Let us know-

What is Black Friday?

Black Friday is celebrated on the day after Thanksgiving in the United States. However, for some time now this day has started being celebrated in many other countries also. With this day, preparations for the festive season i.e. Christmas officially begin a month in advance with Black Friday. On this occasion, people start shopping and take advantage of huge discounts offered by shopkeepers.

when is black Friday

Black Friday is celebrated every year on the day after Thanksgiving. this year where

Thanksgiving is being celebrated on November 23, 2023, while Black Friday will be celebrated on November 24, 2023.

Why is Black Friday celebrated?

The term Black Friday originated in Philadelphia in the 1960s and early 1970s. In the festive atmosphere of Thanksgiving weekend, where people were doing Christmas shopping and enjoying their holidays with their families and friends, policemen had to work continuously to handle the crowd gathered on the streets. In such a situation, he used the word Black Friday to show his never-ending work.

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