Do Not Eat These Things In Monsoon: The summer season is going on. In this season, special care has to be taken of our health, this is because, in this season, a person starts falling ill very often. On the other hand, some people consume such food during this season which is harmful to health. In such a situation, here we will tell you about some such things which can harm your health. Come, here we will tell you about some such things which you should immediately get out of the plate.

Do not eat these things in the rainy season

Sea Foods-

Consuming sea foods should be avoided in the rainy season. Consuming them can harm your health. This is because the rainy season is for the breeding of fish. Because of this the fish available in the market are not fresh. In such a situation, if you consume it, then your health can be harmed.

Leafy vegetables-

One should avoid eating leafy vegetables as much as possible during the rainy season. This is because the risk of bacterial growth in leafy vegetables increases in this season. That's why one should avoid consuming vegetables like spinach, and greens during the rainy season. Let us tell you that the risk of infection increases by eating this.

Dairy products-

Dairy products like curd, buttermilk, and paneer should be avoided in the rainy season. Because there is a danger of bacteria growing in these things in this season. Apart from this, stomach-related diseases can also trouble you.

Fried things-

Fried things taste good in the rainy season. But this health can be harmful. Please tell us that the consumption of such things increases the risk of stomach-related problems. There can be a possibility of diarrhea and vomiting by eating them. That's why one should avoid eating fried things during the rainy season.

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