Clean Iron Tawa: It takes a lot of effort to clean the iron pan, but today we are going to tell you some such tips, by adopting which you can easily shine the burnt utensils.

How to Clean Iron Tawa: Tawa is used for making roti in every household and some people bake roti on an iron griddle. While making roti, dry flour often falls on the pan and sticks and burns, after which the pan gradually turns black. After this, it takes a lot of effort to wash the blackened pan, so today we are going to tell you such methods by which you can easily shine the iron pan or other dirty burnt utensils.

Only 3 things are needed to make the tawa shine

You can clean the black pan without any hassle and you will need only three things to make the pan shine. To clean the pan, you need one teaspoon of salt, two lemons, and water.

Home remedy to lighten black pan

Put the burnt pan on the gas and add some water. When the water becomes hot, add salt and reduce the flame, and then squeeze both the lemons. After this, rub the burnt area with lemon for about 2 to 3 minutes. After rubbing the pan for 2-3 minutes, the accumulated dirt will come out and the griddle will start shining.

Vinegar can also be used in cleaning

If the Tawa is very burnt, then you can also use vinegar while cleaning it. For this, first, heat the pan and put lemon juice on it, and rub it. Clean it by pouring a little vinegar over it. Along with this, you can also add a little salt. After doing this remedy, the tawa will start shining completely. While cleaning the pan, keep in mind that the pan should be hot while adopting these methods.