How To Deep Clean Baby Bottle: Taking care of a newborn baby is not an easy task. Many things have to be taken care of to protect them from infections and diseases. One of these things to keep in mind is to protect the feeding bottles from infection. Yes, it is very important to clean the baby's milk bottle daily and make it bacteria-free. If you clean them randomly, they can even become a tool to infect the child. Many parents keep the bottle clean after feeding and do not clean it before using it again. But you need to know that these bottles kept in the open air get contaminated easily. So let's know what can be the right way to clean or keep the baby's bottle clean.

How to clean a baby bottle
First of all, keep in mind that you should use a good quality bottle that can easily become bacteria-free.

First of all, open all the parts of the bottle and keep them in a vessel and wash them with water.

Now clean the used bottle with the help of soft detergent and water.

Now take a big pan and fill it with so much water that the bottle can be completely submerged.

When the water starts boiling, leave the bottle boiling in it for 5 minutes.

Reduce the gas and cover the vessel. Keep in mind that the water should not jump out.

- When 5 minutes are over, take out the bottle with the help of a clean utensil without touching it by hand.

Now before touching them, sanitize the hands and make them bacteria-free.

Now wash them with filtered water and dry them well.

-Repeat this process every time you use it.

store like this
You can store the washed bottles in a clean container in the fridge. Apart from this, you can also use the sterilizer machine available in the market. In this, you can keep the baby's washed bottles, nipples, etc. safely.

how often to clean the bottle
If your child drinks milk 6 times a day, then clean them thoroughly after each use. You can wash them and leave them in hot water for some time. Keep in mind that the brush or drying cloth you are using also needs to be kept clean. Make sure to dry the brush and cloth in the sun. If you keep them in a closed room or damp place, then bacteria can grow in them.