Government Job: If you have taken the degree of Bachelor of Law i.e. LLB, then you can apply for these recruitments in this state. Registration is going on and the last date will come shortly.

These vacancies have been released by Rajasthan Public Service Commission and under this, candidates will be recruited for a total of 181 Assistant Prosecution Officer posts. Know the important details related to these recruitments.

Applications for these RPSC recruitments are starting from March 12. The last date to apply is 12 April 2024. Fill out the form in the prescribed format before this date.

Also, know that these posts of Assistant Prosecution Officer can be applied only online. To do this you will have to go to the official website of RPSC,

Talking about qualifications, candidates who have done Bachelor in Law from a recognized university can apply for these vacancies. Apart from this, the candidate must know the Rajasthani language and its culture.

The age limit for applying has been fixed at 21 to 40 years. The reserved category will get the age relaxation as per government rules.

Through this recruitment drive, candidates will be recruited for a total of 181 posts. Out of the total vacancies, there are 70 posts for the general category. The remaining posts are for second-category candidates.

For selection, you will have to pass several rounds of examinations like written examination, document verification and medical examination. To apply, general category candidates have to pay a fee of Rs 600. The fee for the reserved category is Rs 400.