To increase the taste of food or to reduce weight, people consume cumin. This is because cumin is a medicine for every disease. Minerals like vitamins E, A, iron, and copper are found in cumin, which works to keep the body healthy. Despite being beneficial for Sehak, it also works to harm health. Yes, many people drink cumin water or consume cumin to lose weight. Which can cause harm instead of benefit. You must be surprised to hear this, but it is true. Let us tell you here what harm can be done to the body by consuming cumin.

Consuming cumin in excess can cause these damage to health-

Cumin is beneficial for gas in the stomach. But if you consume it in excess then there may be a problem of heartburn i.e. heartburn. This is because cumin very rapidly removes the problem of gall from the gastrointestinal tract. Because of this, you may have heartburn problems. That's why avoid consuming too much of things.

Excessive bleeding
Women should not consume cumin more. This is because you may have to face problems during menstruation by eating cumin. Yes, if you consume cumin during menstruation, there may be a problem of heavy bleeding. That's why women should not consume it during menstruation.

Vomiting problem
Consuming more cumin water can cause problems related to your brain. Along with this, you may also have the problem of vomiting. That's why cumin should be consumed in limited quantities.

Liver damage
The oil present in cumin can harm your liver. In such a situation, if you consume more of it, then the risk of kidney or liver damage increases. That's why cumin should be consumed in limited quantities.