One of the most effective ways to better women's health is yoga. Regular practice of yoga can reduce the chances of many physical and mental health problems faced by women. Pregnancy is a very important phase for any woman. Yoga can be very effective in this situation. Pregnant women can avoid problems during delivery by practicing yoga.

The importance of yoga is very high during pregnancy, as it is beneficial for mothers not only physically but also mentally. Yoga maintains the physical fitness of pregnant women. Back and other physical pain during pregnancy can be reduced. Yoga is a safe and effective way to maintain physical and mental health during pregnancy. With the advice of experts and necessary precautions, it can make the journey of motherhood pleasant and stress-free.

On the occasion of International Yoga Day, Amar Ujala had a special conversation with Yogacharya Rahul Yadavvanshi. He talked about the importance of yoga in pregnancy and the right time for pregnant women to practice yoga. Along with this, he gave detailed information about which yogasanas are very beneficial for pregnant women and which yogasanas should be avoided.

Importance of yoga in pregnancy

Physical fitness: Doing yogasanas and pranayama increases the flexibility of the body. Blood circulation improves, and muscles get stronger. This reduces difficulties during delivery.

Mental peace: Yoga meditation and breathing techniques reduce mental stress, which gives mental peace to pregnant women. It prepares them mentally for delivery.

Prevention of health problems: Problems like back pain, constipation, and insomnia often occur during pregnancy. Yoga solves these problems.

Help during delivery: Regular yoga practice reduces pain and other difficulties during delivery.

Yogacharya Rahul Yadavvanshi, who has been working in the field of yoga for the last 10 years, says, that according to today's lifestyle, everyone should do yoga, but many people have many misconceptions about pregnant women doing yoga. However, there are different asanas and pranayama for this stage, which can be very beneficial for pregnant women. More focus is given to meditation and pranayama for women during pregnancy. Some asanas can be done during pregnancy.

Yogasanas for pregnant women

Yogacharya Rahul explains that too much forward bedding should not be done during pregnancy. Pregnant women can do yoga with standing postures, such as Tadasana, or Vrajasana. After this come the asanas done while sitting, in which Sukhasana and Shavasana can be done. Malasana and Baddha Konasana yoga are most beneficial for pregnant women.

Vrikshasana (Tree Pose)
This asana promotes balance and stability and strengthens the muscles of the legs.

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)
This asana improves digestion and keeps the spine straight.

Bound Angle Pose
This asana increases the flexibility of the hips and thighs, which helps during delivery.

Marjari Asana (Cat-Cow Pose)
This asana increases the flexibility of the spine and reduces back pain.

Shavasana (Corpse Pose)
This asana is done for deep relaxation and provides mental peace.

Yogacharya considers pranayama better for the health of pregnant women and advises that pregnant women can do five sets of Nadi Shodhan Pranayama. Apart from this, Bhramari Pranayama can also be done. Apart from yoga and pranayama, the practice of meditation can also be effective for pregnant women. You can meditate for 5 to 10 minutes daily.

This breathing process helps in reducing stress and provides mental peace.

Bhramari Pranayama
This pranayama calms the brain and reduces mental stress.

The right period for pregnant women to practice yoga

According to yoga expert Rahul Yadavvanshi, yoga can be done for nine months of pregnancy with the supervision and advice of an expert. However, pregnant women need more attention in the first three months. In such a situation, yoga can be started from the third month (second trimester). This time is considered the safest because the risk of miscarriage is high in the first trimester.

Precautions during yoga in pregnancy
Initial consultation

Consult your doctor or yoga expert before starting any yoga practice.

Do not do yoga lying on your stomach

The practice of such yogasanas should be avoided, which are given by lying on the stomach. Also, yogasanas that involve bending forward should not be done during pregnancy.

Avoid heat

Do not practice yoga in an extremely hot environment

. Choose a ventilated and cool place.

Consumption of liquids

Drink an adequate amount of water before and after yoga practice.

Yoga should not be limited to Yoga Day only
Yogacharya Rahul Yaduvanshi, while inspiring people to yoga, said, that this time the theme of the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India is Yoga for Self and Society, that is, yoga is as important for our society as it is for ourselves. Only when there is a healthy India, there will be a developed India. Therefore, yoga should not be limited to Yoga Day only, but included in your life. Make yoga your daily routine. First, do yoga yourself, then get your family to practice yoga, and then encourage the society to do yoga.