Many of us are often troubled by the problem of ants and cockroaches in the kitchen. Cockroaches are often seen in the sink or where flour is kept in the house. However, sometimes the terror of cockroaches increases so much that they bother everywhere in the house. At the same time, they bother even more in the summer season. This not only increases the dirt in the house, but also contaminates the food items. Not only this, many times a whole swarm of cockroaches is seen in the kitchen. In such a situation, people get very upset and adopt many measures to get relief from them, even after that no special result comes out. In this episode, today we are going to tell you about some such special methods, by adopting which you can get freedom from the problem of cockroaches and ants in the kitchen.

You can drive cockroaches away from the kitchen by using boric acid. You can easily buy boric acid from the market. After doing this, you have to mix it in flour and make small balls. After this, you have to keep it in the kitchen. In this way, you can easily get rid of the problem of cockroaches.

You can also get rid of the problem of cockroaches in the house or kitchen by using vinegar. In this, you have to take water and heat it by adding a little vinegar to it. After this, you have to pour it at the place where the cockroaches are. This will make the cockroaches inside the house run away.

To drive cockroaches away from the house, you can take the help of lemon and baking soda. In this, you have to mix lemon and baking soda. After this, you have to sprinkle this solution on the cockroaches. By doing this, the cockroaches will run away from your house.

If you are troubled by the problem of ants in the kitchen, then you have to take water, add salt to it and boil it for some time. After this, you have to pour it in the place where ants are present. This will prevent ants from bothering you in the kitchen.

(PC: Freepik)