The nervous system has a special place in the functioning of our body. Everything we think, feel or do is controlled by the nervous system. That is, if there is any kind of problem with them, then the functioning of the whole body can be affected.

The nervous system takes in information through our senses and transmits that information throughout the body, such as when to move your muscles or when you feel pain. For example, if you touch something hot and immediately pull your hand back, this is because your nerves are sending pain signals to your brain. If there is a problem with the nerves, then they can stop feeling themselves, due to which there can be a risk of many problems.

Nervous system problems
Neurological diseases are conditions that affect your nervous system. Your nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord as well as all the nerves that run to the rest of the body. Many diseases can affect your nervous system. Most of these are problems caused by lifestyle disturbances.

According to the National Library of Medicine, there are more than 600 diseases that can affect your nervous system. These types of diseases are called neurologic diseases.

Nervous system problems
Like any other part of your body, problems can occur with the nervous system. When a disorder damages it, it can affect communication between your brain, spinal cord, and your body. Due to many reasons, problems start happening in your nervous system.
Infections such as encephalitis or polio.
Physical problems such as injury, Bell's palsy, or carpal tunnel syndrome.
Conditions such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, or Alzheimer's disease.
Blood vessel problems, blood clotting, etc.

What if there is a problem with the nervous system?
Problems with the nervous system can cause many different symptoms. It depends on which part of the nervous system is affected. You may have trouble feeling things or experiencing pain.
Tingling or weakness. Or maybe some part of the body stops working.
Blurred, vision problems or reduced vision in one or both eyes.
Difficulty speaking or understanding language.
Sudden, severe headache.
Dizziness or feeling unsteady. Feeling difficulty in standing or walking.

How to keep the nervous system healthy?
Like other parts of your body, the brain and nerves also need rest and special care. For this, you must get enough sleep. Eat a healthy balanced diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids and a variety of vitamins.
Exercise regularly. Also, give rest to the body.
Spend quality time with family and friends.
Meditation is considered very beneficial for neurological problems.
If you smoke, quit, this can also cause problems.

(PC: Freepik)