Although all vitamins are needed for good health, and to increase immunity, the body needs Vitamin A the most. If your immunity is strong then you will be able to fight against every disease. Vitamin A helps with cell growth, immune function, vision, and fetal development. Vitamin A is also beneficial for the skin, it is also beneficial for better growth of nails and hair.

There are many foods in which Vitamin A is found in abundance. Let us know what are the sources of vitamin A in food, which fruit or vegetable will get vitamin A by eating it, what diseases can be caused by its deficiency and why it is lacking.

Vitamin A-rich vegetables and fruits

Good sources of vitamin A are carrots, beets, turnips, sweet potatoes, peas, tomatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, whole grains and green leafy vegetables, coriander, kernels, yellow or orange fruits, mango, watermelon, papaya, chikoo, cheese, mustard The highest amount of vitamin A is found in kidney beans, eggs, cheese.

What is Vitamin A Deficiency?

Vitamin A deficiency does not allow the body to develop. Vitamin A deficiency also occurs due to not taking it in the diet. Due to the effect of infection, vitamin A is deficient in the body. Apart from this, the lack of vitamin A also weakens eyesight. To meet the deficiency of vitamin A, eat some such things in which the amount of vitamin A is high.

What are the causes of Vitamin A deficiency?

Due to liver disease, it becomes deficient in the body. Frequent urination occurs due to tuberculosis, urine infection, cancer, pneumonia, kidney infection, and vitamin A deficiency starts due to frequent urination. There is a possibility of vitamin A in pregnant women, newborns, and lactating women. Malnutrition is the biggest cause of vitamin A deficiency.

What are the symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency?

Lack of physical development of the child
Loss of eyesight
Feeling tired
Chapped lips
Bladder infection
Don't heal quickly
Upper-lower respiratory tract infection
Weakened immunity

What is the treatment for Vitamin A deficiency?

It is most important that you eat food rich in vitamin A. Eat the vegetables and fruits in which it is found the most. Like vegetables with green leaves, and orange. But if there is too much deficiency, then you must consult a doctor once.

Disease due to lack of vitamin A

Urinary tract infection
Weakened immunity system
Respiratory infections
Hair loss

Note: Our article is for providing information only. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details.