A woman recovers quickly after a normal delivery, but it takes a while for a woman to return to normal after a C-section delivery. In this condition, he needs to rest for a long time and pay special attention to food.

The body is already weak because of the surgery and the baby has to be fed. It is therefore important to pay special attention to a woman's diet after she is discharged from the hospital.

In this condition it is necessary to include nutrients like protein, fiber, iron, calcium in a woman's diet. However, a woman's digestive system deteriorates after a C-section delivery, so she cannot eat everything. Therefore, after consulting an expert, a woman's diet plan should be prepared. Wellness Diet Clinic, Lucknow Dietitian Dr. Learn from Smita Singh about things that can help a woman recover faster after a cesarean delivery.

Milk and yogurt needed

To overcome calcium deficiency, a woman needs to include milk and yogurt in her diet. Drink a glass of low-fat milk every day for this. Apart from this, consume yoghurt for lunch. In winter you can take it by adding beans, turmeric, cloves, cardamom etc. in the milk.

Improving the digestive system with a fiber rich diet

Disruption of the digestive system after cesarean delivery. Which often causes constipation. At the same time it takes time to heal the wound inside. In this condition it is necessary to include more and more fiber in the diet. For this you should include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eat fibrous fruits and salads. Also include beans, green chickpeas, strawberries, sweet potatoes etc. in the diet.

To prevent the problem of dehydration

After a cesarean delivery you have to take special care that your body is not dehydrated. In case of dehydration, the problem of constipation also increases. Drink plenty of water to avoid it. Also drink herbal tea, coconut water and soup. You can drink ginger-carrot soup, tomato soup, beetroot soup.

Eat fresh food

Eat fresh home-made food for at least 6 months. Avoid outside foods and spicy foods altogether. In any case, have dinner by 8 pm, so that it can be fully digested. If you feel hungry late at night, you can take beads, rice etc.