Almost everyone likes to eat juicy mangoes in the summer season. Eating mangoes after dinner in summer is a custom in almost every household. Be it kids or adults, mango is everyone's favourite. Mango is rich in properties and is very beneficial for health. Everyone likes it because of its taste and properties, but there has also been a debate about the consumption of mango in summer. The effect of mango is hot. Along with this, calories are also high in it. Because of this, eating it can cause problems like weight gain, pimples and pimples on the skin. We eat mangoes to our heart's content and then due to these problems, we start feeling guilty. What is the right way to eat mango? Are there some tricks by which you can enjoy mangoes without being guilt-free? Dietician Manpreet has shared information about this from her Instagram account. Let's know.

Soak mango in an earthen pot

Soak you in an earthen pot for 3-4 hours before eating. It activates the enzymes present in mango that make it easier to digest. This reduces the hot effect of mangoes and after eating mangoes there is no acne on the skin. It increases the bioavailability of nutrients present in mango.

Eat with seeds

While eating mango, eat pumpkin or sunflower seeds with it. Due to this, insulin sensitivity increases and the stomach also feels full for a long time. Eating mangoes after lunch is considered good for health.

Take care of the portion

While eating mango, we often eat more of it in taste. It is very important to eat it in the right quantity. According to experts, one should not eat more than 100 grams of mango in a day, otherwise, it can cause harm. The glycemic index of mango is in the middle of medium to high, so special care should be taken for portion control while eating it. It does not cause harm if you eat it in a controlled quantity.

Benefits of eating mangoes in summer

Fibre is high in mango. It reduces constipation and regulates blood sugar levels. Digestive enzymes are found in mango. They prevent the problem of gas and indigestion by the breakdown of carbs, fats and proteins present in our food. However, in many health conditions, it is also advised not to eat mangoes.

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