In the summer season, the strong sunlight makes your skin dark. In such a situation, it is very important to protect the skin from the sun in summer. That's why you use sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun. But these skin care products in the market are full of chemicals that can harm you instead of taking care of your skin. In such a situation, today we have brought you the method of making sunscreen from natural things at home. This homemade sunscreen is prepared with the help of aloe vera gel, sesame oil, and vitamin E capsules, which protect your skin from the sun as well as cure many skin problems, so let's know (How to make sunscreen at home) How to make sunscreen at home.....

Ingredients to make sunscreen at home-
2 teaspoons aloe vera gel
1 tsp sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon zinc oxide
1 Vitamin E capsule

How to make sunscreen at home?
To make sunscreen at home, first of all, take a bowl.
Then add aloe vera gel, sesame oil, and zinc oxide to it.
After this, you put 1 vitamin E capsule in it by puncturing it.
Then mix all these things well.
Now your homemade sunscreen is ready.
You can store this sunscreen for 1 week.

Benefits Of Homemade Sunscreen
Aloe vera gel is rich in Vitamin C, B12, E, and folic acid, which makes your skin glow.
Sesame oil removes the problem of damaged skin, pigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles.
Vitamin E capsule reduces the aging signs of the skin as well as makes it glowing.

(PC: Freepik)