Home Cleaning Tips: If you have an iron or wooden cupboard in your house, which has become dirty, then this news is for you only. Today we are telling you some home tips, which will make your old wardrobe shine like new in a few minutes.

Almirah Cleaning: People keep iron or wooden cupboards to keep things in their homes. Our essential items are kept safe in the cupboard. The items kept inside the cupboard remain clean and safe, but sometimes the wardrobe gets dirty from the outside. Cleaning the cupboard is a big task. Today we are telling you the hacks to clean the old wardrobe, by adopting them your wardrobe will shine like new.

Cleaning the iron cupboard is a big task

The iron almirah gets sticky tar. Gradually dust accumulates on it and due to this its color also turns black. In such a situation, it is very difficult to clean the cupboard. If we try to clean it with a cloth, it cannot be cleaned because of the greasiness. At the same time, while cleaning it, it is also to be kept in mind that due to the use of too much water, it does not get rusted.

Clean iron cupboard like this

To clean the iron cupboard, slightly wet the scrubber for washing dishes and add a little detergent and a little toothpaste to it. Now rub this paste lightly on the cupboard. Don't use too much water. When you have cleaned the entire cupboard, wipe it with a dry cloth. You will see that your wardrobe will shine in just a few minutes.

How to clean a girl's wardrobe?

Can't use much water to clean wooden cupboards. Another hack can be used to clean it. For this, prepare a homemade liquid. In a bowl, mix 1 tsp baking soda, 3 tbsp white vinegar, and 1 tsp dish wash liquid. Add a little water to it. Now rub it on the cupboard with the help of a scrubber. As soon as this work is completed, wipe the cupboard with a dry cloth. Your wardrobe will shine like brand new.