People of all ages are troubled by the problem of itchy skin at some point in their life. You may experience itching in one part of the body or all over the body.

Itching is also known as pruritis. This is a symptom that can be caused by itself or some other condition. But sometimes the itching increases to such an extent that you want to get rid of it.

Here are some home remedies suggested for itchy skin:

The most common cause of itchy skin is a change in the weather. Dry skin tends to worsen with seasonal changes. Using a good moisturizer can help lock the moisture in your skin.

It protects the skin from drying out. There are some special tips to keep in mind when using moisturizer. After bathing with lukewarm water, you can gently pat the skin dry and apply moisturizer within 3-5 minutes.

Wear cotton clothes
Avoid using fabrics like wool and synthetics, as these can make your skin itchy.

Choosing cotton clothes and cotton sheets will help you reduce the symptoms of itchy skin.

Other Remedies:

# Apply sunscreen for sun protection.
# Wear loose cotton clothes instead of tight clothes.
# Here are some other packs that you can use-

# A handful of mint leaves
# 500 ml water

Cotton :
# Add a handful of mint leaves to 500 ml of water and bring it to a boil in a saucepan.

Cover the solution and let it cool down.
# When the solution cools down, filter it and soak a cotton ball in it.
# Apply it to all the affected areas.

You can do this 1 to 2 times daily to get quick relief from itchy skin.

Lemon :

# 1-2 lemons
# cotton
# Squeeze the juice from one or two lemons.
# Dip a cotton pad in lemon juice and apply it on the itchy area. Let it dry and wash it with water.
# If you have sensitive skin, add some water to lemon juice before applying it.