To maintain the beauty of the hair, you must take proper care so that there are no hair problems. Common hair problems include hair fall, split ends and greying. Today in this article, Shahnaz Hussain will tell you their remedies.

Hair fall

There are many reasons for hair fall. These include dandruff, oily scalp, stress, thyroid imbalance, illness, nutritional deficiencies, hair damage (due to frequent colouring, perming, straightening) etc. We should try to identify the cause in individual cases and take treatment accordingly.

Apply oil before shampooing once a week. You can use olive or coconut oil for this. Avoid vigorous massage.

If the hair is falling out, the roots are already weak and massaging can worsen the problem. Massage gently using fingertips only. Do not use oil if your hair is oily. If your hair is dry then you should shampoo twice a week. Shampooing 3 or 4 times a week is enough for oily hair. Use less shampoo. Dilute the shampoo in water and then apply.

Remedy for split ends

The problem of split ends occurs when the hair is dry. Sometimes the pores of the scalp get blocked due to dirt and oil. This prevents oil from flowing down the hair shaft, causing dryness and split ends. Split ends should be trimmed. Take care of your hair properly and regularly. Hair should not be tightly tied with a rubber band. Avoid using a hair dryer and hair brush. Use a wide toothcomb to comb the hair.

Heat pure coconut oil and apply it to your hair twice a week. Apply on the ends as well. Dip the towel in hot water. Squeeze out the water from it and wrap a hot towel on the head. Leave the towel on the hair for 5 minutes. Do this 3-4 times. By doing this, the oil gets absorbed well into the hair and scalp. Use mild herbal shampoo to wash hair. Apply aloe vera gel to hair and wash hair after half an hour. For split ends, applying egg yolk or curd on the ends before shampooing will also be beneficial.

What to do for shiny hair

Dull hair is caused by nutritional problems, harsh shampoos, hairdressing and clogged pores. If your hair is dull then you must use oil. To bring shine to hair, you should wash hair with tea water and lemon after shampoo. You boil the remaining tea leaves again. Now cool the water and filter it. Then add the juice of one lemon to it and use it after shampoo.

If your hair is dry then rinse hair with beer. Mix the juice of one lemon in beer and apply it on the hair. Leave it on the hair for a few minutes. Wash off with plain water. To add shine to hair, apply hair serum after shampooing or on dry hair.

Dandruff and itchy scalp

Scalp itching and dandruff can be caused by psoriasis. So, if itching persists, consult an expert. Wash your hair three or four times a week with mild herbal shampoo for dandruff. If there is itching, mix three parts of water in apple vinegar. Soak cotton in this paste and apply it to the scalp. Once a week, heat olive oil or sesame oil and apply it on the head at night. Leave it overnight. Next morning apply lemon juice 15 minutes before shampooing.