Due to the dark circle, the look of our entire face gets spoiled. For this reason, many people use makeup to hide dark circles. However, today we have brought such a trick for you, with the help of which you will be able to say dark circles easily.

How to remove dark circles?

Some time ago, actress Roshni Chopra shared a video and told the trick to remove dark circles. Potato juice can be of great help in brightening your tired eyes as potatoes are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K and B3.

How to use potatoes

Take half a potato and wash it. Now grate the potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Now dip a cotton ball in potato juice and then apply it on the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Dark circles will disappear by following this trick repeatedly. With this trick, dark circles disappear due to reasons like tired eyes and lack of sleep. However, if you have more dark circles then please consult a doctor.

Cucumbers can be mixed with potato juice

If you want, you can also add cucumber juice to potato juice. This also removes dark circles quickly and at the same time gives coolness to the eyes. This trick is great for summer. The best way to avoid dark circles is to get enough sleep. Most people have to face this problem due to lack of sleep. Along with dark circles, the glow of the face is also affected.

Photo Credit: Freepik