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Generally, people in India like to drink 'Ginger Tea'. Ginger full of medicinal properties is helpful in many diseases of the body. It also proves effective for colds, coughs. But some people still should not consume ginger tea. For some people, its consumption is also harmful. Who are those people, let's know-

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Health experts say that high BP patients should not drink ginger tea. Drinking this causes them problems like dizziness and weakness. Restlessness starts increasing due to its use. Ginger tea speeds up the process of digestion. At the same time, they cause complaints of a burning sensation in the stomach.

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Many people consider ginger better for digestion. But excessive consumption of ginger is also harmful. In such a situation, patients suffering from high BP should end the consumption of ginger tea completely. The gingerols present in ginger release acid and aggravate stomach ailments.