Just now the periods had gone...then they came again...man. This problem of frequent periods has caused anaemia in me. Now there is less blood and more pain…what to do…I am not able to understand anything.

Surely you too must be saying these sentences, because many problems related to periods are being seen in women. One of these is irregular periods. The cycle of periods is 28 days. If there is any change in it, then understand that the period cycle is becoming irregular.

In such a situation, there is no need for you to take English medicines. Just pay attention to your eating habits and include such foods in your diet, which will be more beneficial than eating them. So, let us share with you the names of some foods suggested by nutritionist Apoorva Aggarwal, which can be included in your diet.

Eat beetroot for healthy periods

According to experts, it is very important to include root vegetables in the diet. Although you can include vegetables like suran, arbi and sweet potato in your diet, it would be better to include beetroot. Beetroot is rich in iron, calcium, vitamins, potassium, folic acid and fibre.

Of course, they are very good for your health, in which fibre and polyphenols are found in abundance. Eating beetroot or drinking its juice can increase blood flow during your periods. So you should consume beetroot continuously for at least one week in a month.

Olive oil will provide relief from period pain

Periods are a natural process that every woman has to go through. But the menstrual cycle flow of every woman is different. Sometimes the flow becomes more than normal, but sometimes it reduces within 2 to 3 days.

In such a situation, it may be best to consume olive oil. You can apply it on the navel or use it in making salad. You will benefit from it, but its nature is hot so you should avoid consuming it in excess.

Avocado for period health

You can also include avocado in your diet because consuming it will not only solve the problem of irregular periods but will also prevent your weight from increasing. Also, the nutrients present in avocados provide relief from problems like acidity, stomach ache, ulcers, colitis, intestinal inflammation etc.

According to experts, you should include avocado in your diet every other day. It would be better if you use it in salad otherwise juice would also be best.

What things should be avoided during periods?

Nowadays people have started consuming more fried things like pakodas, fast food etc., but eating too much-fried food can cause many health-related problems - like your weight can increase and your periods get affected due to excess weight. Can.

Experts say that when women gain excess weight, they develop the problem of PCOS. Therefore, we should avoid consuming such foods.

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