This season of hot summer and sunshine can be harmful to our health in many ways. In many cities, the mercury is crossing 45 degrees, due to which there can be a risk of heat stroke. Health experts say, these days one should avoid getting out of the house in the afternoon. Heat stroke can cause a very high body temperature, as well as some other health problems, which can also have a risk of serious side effects.

It is also very important to take care of diet to prevent heat stroke and heat stroke. If you become a victim of heat stroke, you can reduce its symptoms by taking care of your diet.
Let us know how increasing body temperature can be harmful and what are the things recommended to be consumed to keep the body cool.

Increased body temperature is harmful
Our normal body temperature is usually 98.6°F (37°C). In case of fever, it rises to 102-104°F, in which the body controls this temperature by producing more sweat. But in the case of heat stroke, since the glands that produce sweat do not function properly, there can be a risk of the temperature getting too high.
When heat stroke occurs, the body temperature can rise to 106°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes. Heat stroke can be a serious risk factor if the person does not receive emergency treatment.

Can have serious side effects
Higher than normal temperatures can be harmful to the body parts. This can be especially dangerous for people who already have heart or lung-related diseases. This is because the increase in temperature also increases the rate of heart rate and breathing, which can increase the risk of high blood pressure.
That's why continuous efforts must be made during summer to keep the body temperature balanced.

Need to keep drinking water
The body needs to drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily. It helps in the circulation of nutrients and the removal of waste in the body. Apart from this, water has an important role in controlling body temperature by cooling the body through sweating.
This is the reason why the risk of heat stroke increases significantly in case of dehydration. Take care that there is no shortage of water in the body.

You can also consume these things
Apart from water, you can also maintain a better body temperature by consuming fruits and vegetables. You can get special benefits by drinking leafy greens, buttermilk, mango, lemon, curd, avocado, and coconut water. Many fruits found in summer like watermelon-melon also have high water content, consuming them can also help in meeting the lack of water in the body and keeping the temperature under control.
(PC: Freepik)