The incidence of heart disease has increased in the last few years. Asians are 30 percent more likely to have a heart attack due to genetic factors.

Experts have long emphasized the importance of following a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and controlling cholesterol levels to reduce the risk of a heart attack. A recent study has revealed another new factor affecting the increased risk of heart attack. Sleeping at the right time at night greatly reduces the risk of heart attack, researchers say.

A heart attack can often be fatal. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on the main risk factors and work towards controlling them. From a low-fat diet to regular exercise, people at risk for heart disease do everything they can to prevent it. Proper sleep time can significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack, according to a new study. Studies have shown that sleeping at 10-11 pm reduces the risk of heart attack, as it helps maintain a good body clock.

In a study published in the European Heart Journal, experts analyzed 88,000 participants from UK Biobank. They found that people who regularly slept between 10-11 at night had a healthier heart, as it reduced the disruption of the body's cycles. In addition, those who fell asleep before 10 pm had a 24 percent increased risk of a heart attack. This was revealed by an expert from the University of Exeter, who co-authored the study.

The National Health Service of England focuses on how adults can get at least 6 to 9 hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep is important. This is because long-term sleep deprivation is associated with high blood pressure, high heart rate, stress and inflammation. In addition, lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity, weight gain, metabolic disorders, and diabetes.

What happens when you sleep too much?

It is important for people who sleep a lot to know that getting too much sleep can lead to many health problems. One study found that prolonged sleep increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. According to experts, sleep is not the only parameter to reduce the risk of a heart attack. To keep your heart healthy, you should avoid fatty foods and follow a plant-based diet.