Heart disease is one of the serious health problems growing globally. Its risk is seen increasing year after year. Health experts say that the way our lifestyle and diet are being disturbed, its risks are likely to increase further. The American Heart Association has advised all people to remain cautious regarding the risk of heart disease.

Health experts estimate that by the year 2050, 6 out of 10 American adults may be victims of heart disease. Apart from this, the health department is also expected to increase the cases of heart disease and its complications.

In a report published in the journal Circulation, researchers say that given the way the lifestyle of American people is disturbed, most people may have heart attacks, strokes, heart disease, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, and blood vessel problems. In the next three decades, its risk is expected to increase not only in America but also in many other countries of the world. It is worth noting that heart disease is one of the major causes of death worldwide.

What do experts say?

American Heart Association Chief Executive Officer Nancy Brown said in a statement, that the findings of the study show that if we do not improve our habits and heart disease risk factors in time, then heart disease and stroke can cause terrible human and economic losses. These risks are not limited to any one country, but increasing risks of heart disease are being seen all over the world.

It is worth noting that in India too, in the last few years, especially after the coronavirus epidemic, cases of death due to heart disease attacks have been seen increasing among younger people.

Stroke-blood pressure and obesity are also a risk
The Heart Association report states that in the year 2020, cases of stroke were reported in 10 million (one crore) people in the US, although by the year 2050, the number of people suffering from stroke may double. Apart from this, high blood pressure will affect 61% of adults and the rate of diabetes may increase from 16% to 27%. Apart from this, by the year 2050, 61% of people may have obesity problem, whose rate was 43% in the year 2020.

These eight tips for a healthy heart

The American Heart Association has given eight suggestions to improve lifestyle, following which can help reduce the risk of heart diseases.

It is important to have 7 to 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep at night.

Consume healthy and nutritious things. The DASH diet also has benefits.

Do exercise at least 150 minutes a week.

Manage blood sugar and diabetes risk.

Keep body mass index less than 25 and maintain a healthy weight.

Keep trying to keep cholesterol levels below 130 mg/dL.

Try to keep blood pressure below 120/80 mmHg.

Stay away from smoking and alcohol.

Improve habits to keep your heart healthy
The study authors said, quitting the habit of smoking cigarettes is the most important to keep the heart healthy. This habit has been found to increase serious problems for the heart and blood vessels. Some studies have said that the trend of smoking cigarettes has decreased but still a large number of people are smoking. Improving diet, reducing the intake of salty foods and regular exercise can keep heart health good. People of all ages need to keep making continuous efforts for heart health.