Cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases of today's time due to which millions of people are dying every year. There are many types of cancer which grow in different parts of the body and are known by the same name. Today in this episode we are talking about bladder cancer which starts in the cells of the bladder. The bladder is a hollow, strong organ in your lower abdomen that stores urine. Some people become victims of cancer disease in the bladder, which leads them to the door of death. However, by recognizing the early symptoms of bladder cancer, you can easily get rid of this disease. So let's know about these early symptoms of bladder cancer...

Blood in the urine
At the beginning of bladder cancer, you may have blood while urinating. This is considered an early symptom of bladder cancer. Although the problem of bleeding in urine can be due to many reasons, in most cases it is due to bladder cancer or bladder cancer only. If there is blood in the urine, a doctor should be consulted immediately and treatment should be done after the examination.

Loss of appetite
Loss of appetite is a common cancer symptom, and bladder cancer is no exception. If cancer has grown or spread, you may experience weight loss or feel tired and weak. Of course, many other things can reduce your appetite, so talk to your doctor if this condition persists over a long period.

Difficulty urinating
Due to bladder cancer, you may have to face problems while urinating. For example, frequent urination, pain or burning during urination, intermittent urination, and very little urine. If you see such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.