You will find different types of products to apply to hair in the market. By applying these products, the hair remains fine for a few days, but after a while the whole show goes away. This is the reason why it is advisable to apply natural henna made at home on the hair. Due to this, hair remains smooth and grows well. Let us know the correct way and benefits of applying henna to hair.

How to make henna for hair at home

Generally, people often buy henna packets from the market. If you want, you can make henna at home too. You will find henna trees around your house or in any nursery. Prepare henna by grinding these leaves in a sieve or mixer jar.

What to mix in henna

You can mix things like beetroot juice, coffee, olive oil, vitamin E capsules, egg white and curd in henna powder. Different nutrients are present in all these things, which when applied to hair will give you good results.

How to apply henna on hair

Open the hair partition it in the middle and apply henna paste on the hairline. Keep in mind that henna should not just go on top but should go deep into the hair. After this, keep henna on the hair for 2-3 hours and then wash it with water. You will get good results by applying henna paste on your hair twice a month.

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