When it comes to a healthy life, people often focus on reducing their weight or they discuss heart health or BP and blood sugar etc. But every part of the human body has its importance and hence a person should pay equal attention to every part of his body. Even if it is not only about the lungs i.e. lungs.

Lungs help run the respiratory system smoothly. The lungs are located on either side of the chest which helps in maintaining the flow of oxygen in the body. Composed of our airways, lungs, and the muscles and blood vessels attached to them, the respiratory system carries oxygen throughout our bodies. So when something goes wrong in our respiratory system, our whole body has to bear the brunt of it.

To maintain the proper functioning of the respiratory system, extra care should be taken for the lungs. So today in this article, Dr Sandeep Nayyar, Head and Senior Director of the Respiratory Department of BLK Max Hospital is telling you about some easy tips, by adopting which you can keep your lungs healthy for a long time-

Bring greenery at home

Greenery is considered very good for the lungs. Therefore, the health of the lungs can be taken care of by planting some plants at home. Keeping plants in homes improves oxygen and air quality. Also, some toxins are removed from the air.

Do exercise

Exercise is considered good for overall health, even when it comes to the lungs. Exercise improves circulation and strengthens our muscles, which also has a positive effect on the lungs. You can do many types of lunges exercises in the open air. However, doing breathing exercises for the lungs is considered very good. For this, from deep breathing to anulom-vilom etc., practice regularly.

Take care of food

Diet is also very important for the lungs. If you want to keep your lungs healthy, then you should include healthy and natural food items in your diet. Stay away from artificial and packaged food. Green leafy vegetables and fruits and seasonal vegetables are very important for good lung health. Due to this, the body gets many types of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which help the lungs to work better.

Liquid intake is good

You should also pay attention to liquid intake in your diet. However, this does not mean that you switch to packaged juices, sodas or sugary drinks. Rather drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated also plays a role in the health of your lungs. It helps thin the mucus secretions that naturally accumulate in your lungs each day, allowing you to breathe more easily.

Avoid smoking

If you have a habit of smoking then quit it immediately. Do not smoke or use tobacco products. Smoking, chewing tobacco and similar products are not good for your lungs, or your health. Avoiding the habit of smoking or quitting it completely is one of the easiest yet most effective ways to keep your respiratory system strong and healthy.

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