In the era of advanced technology, the process from cooking to heating food has changed a lot. Nowadays, people use microwaves a lot to heat food. In hotels, restaurants and even in home kitchens, microwaves are used to cook hot food. This also saves time and the food gets completely hot within a few minutes. It is often seen on the internet that eating food heated in the microwave can lead to the risk of serious diseases like cancer. Does this really happen? Let us know about this. ChiragBhirud Consultant - Onco Surgeon from Jupiter Hospital, Pune

Does microwave food cause cancer?

According to experts, this is far from the truth. The heat in the microwave heats the food quickly but it does not emit any kind of radiation which can harm you. Heating food in a microwave does not cause any proton and electron breakage that would damage DNA.

Experts believe that some mistakes made during this period can cause harm, such as many people heating food in plastic utensils in the microwave. You may suffer loss because of this. Putting food heated in the microwave immediately into a plastic container can cause harm. According to experts, when the microwave heats up, chemicals are released from the container. When the plastic container is heated, chemicals begin to be released which get mixed with the food. Because of this, you may have problems.

One should always use glass utensils for heating food in the microwave. Microwave heats food in less time. Because of this, it retains more nutrients.

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