New Delhi. When we talk about non-communicable diseases, it is important to know the high-risk factors i.e. what are those things that increase the risk of diseases like cancer. Although there are some unknown reasons, we can prevent the risk factors that are known. Catching cancer in its early stages by self-examination or getting tests done can lead to successful treatment. World Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2023) is celebrated every year in October.

Many risk factors are associated

  • The risk of breast cancer is relatively higher in women. Its risk increases with increasing age.

  • This cancer can also occur in men. However, this happens only in one to two percent of the total cases.
  • We think this happens due to genetic reasons, but this is not the whole truth. The genetic cancers are barely 5-10 percent.
  • If someone has the inherited genes, BRCA-1 and BRCA-2, their risk of developing breast cancer may increase by up to 50 percent.
  • If close relatives like parents, siblings, or children have had this disease, then there is a possibility of it happening.

The problem increases due to bad lifestyle

  • Daily routine is changing due to increasing urbanization. The trend of marrying at an older age, having the first child after the age of 30 and not breastfeeding is inviting such diseases.

  • If radiation is given during the treatment of skin disease in adolescence or younger age, it can lead to cancer even later.
  • Nowadays, menstruation starts at the age of 10-12 years, whereas earlier it used to happen at the age of 14-15 years. Starting early increases cycles and imbalances hormones like estrogen and progesterone.
  • At the same time, there is a possibility of increase in estrogen if menopause occurs after the age of 55 years.

Caution is necessary

If someone has a history of breast related diseases , they should not be given oral contraceptive pills because they contain estrogen and progesterone. At the same time, hormone replacement therapy also has a risk factor associated with it.

Improve lifestyle for safety

  • There are many cancer risks associated with obesity. Fat cells make estrogen in the body. Alcohol is dangerous for women even in small quantities.

  • If you are doing a brisk walk for 30 minutes, try to increase your heart rate. This controls the level of estrogen.
  • By doing Kapalabhati, the amount of oxygen in the body increases, which reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Avoid consuming fruits and vegetables containing chemicals and pesticides. Organic fruits and vegetables contain anti-oxidants, which prevent diseases.
  • Only vegetable oils should be used in food. People who eat trans fatty acids in the form of ready-to-eat foods have a higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Red meat also increases the risk of obesity and cancer.
  • If obesity in children is controlled from the beginning, they do sports and develop the habit of eating a balanced diet, then there will be no problem in future.

Do your own investigation and increase vigilance

You can do breast self examination. This is a simple technique, by which the woman examines herself and goes to the doctor. If there is any change in the body, such as lump, swelling or the skin has moved inwards or is shrinking or changing its shape, then the disease will be detected quickly. Second, a baseline mammogram must be done from the age of 40-45. This screening must be done every two years.

breast self examination

Breast self-examination should be done one week after the start of the period. In this, one has to stand in front of the mirror and look at the shape to see if there is any thickening of the skin or any lump or any change in the color. In this, a vertical strip is made till the breast bone and examined. Keep in mind, in 90 percent of the cases it is not cancer. So there is no need to be afraid of it, it is only a process related to awareness. When you become aware, go to the doctor. Obviously, all the necessary tests will be done there, which will reveal the correct information and condition of the disease.

The disease has to be eradicated, not hidden.

This is a part of the body about which women do not want to talk openly. They hesitate about which doctor to go to. When the lump becomes too large, one should consult a gynecologist. But keep in mind that breast lumps are treated by the surgeon. If the age is less than 35 years, then they do ultra sonography, because it does not involve radiation. Treatment begins only when cancer is confirmed by biopsy. This problem is increasing due to lack of awareness in India. This is the reason why 80-90 thousand deaths occur due to this cancer. If you become aware and check yourself, this situation will not arise.

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