Natto dish is a traditional dish of Japan. People here have been considering it as a superfood for a long time. It keeps the blood flow right and also reduces the risk of a heart attack. Not only this but Covid can also be beaten. Many studies have been done regarding this food. The people of Japan who grew up eating it also do not like to eat it. The reason behind this is its stench and mucus-like stickiness.

The 'Natto' dish smells like ammonia. Looks very bad to eat too. In the year 2017, a survey was done regarding this. Nifty, a Japanese internet service provider, had surveyed this dish. It was found that 13 percent of people do not like to eat Natta, no matter how many benefits it has. And 62 percent of people eat it with fervor. The reason for this is the secret of health hidden in it.

Reduces the risk of heart attack
Not only this but it has also been claimed about this dish that it keeps death away. Japanese news site Soranews 24 has claimed that if 'Natto' is eaten daily, death stays away. At the same time, some scientists also agree with this claim. According to a study published in the Shirakawa British Medical Journal, researchers at the National Cancer Center in Tokyo found that men and women who ate natto daily had a 10 percent lower risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke.

What is found in natto?
Natto food is rich in protein, fiber, and iron. It plays a positive role in controlling blood pressure and weight. Not only this, but it also helps in looking young. Apart from this, it is also rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E. Which helps prevent osteoporosis and wrinkles.

Able to fight covid
Recently, in a study published in the journal Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, researchers found that an extract made from natto can inhibit the ability of the coronavirus to infect cells.

How is this dish made?

Firstly, soybeans are soaked to make natto. After this, it is boiled in water. Then Bacillus subtilis bacteria were added to it. After this, it is wrapped with weeds and left for four days. Food is prepared from it after being fermented.
Natto is made with soy sauce and hot sauce. Natto is now available in supermarkets or grocery stores. Bring it home and cook it by adding sauce, and chutney and serve it with rice. In Japan, it is eaten more in the morning for breakfast.