Home remedies for bad breath
Chew cloves

Cloves rich in antibacterial properties prove to be very effective in eliminating bad breath. You do not have to do much for the use of cloves, just keep 1 or 2 pieces of cloves in your mouth and suck them. The aroma and juice emanating from cloves remove bad smell.

Make your mouthwash
To remove the bad smell coming from your mouth, you can make and use mouthwash at home yourself. To make this mouthwash, mix one cup of warm water, half a stick of cinnamon, juice of 2 lemons, half a teaspoon of honey, and half a teaspoon of baking soda. Fill this Homemade Mouthwash in a vial and use it daily morning and evening.

Clean your tongue
It is also very important to clean the tongue while brushing. Many times people clean their teeth but do not consider it necessary to clean their tongues. Not cleaning the tongue becomes a major reason for bad breath. That's why make a habit of cleaning your tongue daily.

Apple vinegar
Add one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash. The water of this apple cider vinegar removes the bacteria from the mouth, cleans the teeth, and stops the bad smell.

Coconut oil
Oil pulling is done with coconut oil. Put one to two spoons of coconut oil in the mouth in the morning or evening and stir it from here to there and then rinse it. Oil pulling removes the dirt stuck in the corners of the teeth, which usually causes bad breath. Apart from this, this recipe is also useful in removing tooth decay.