Both sugar and cholesterol problems are increasing rapidly. Increased blood sugar levels are believed to increase problems ranging from eyes, and nerves to the heart, while high cholesterol also increases the risk of heart disease and heart attack. It is important to keep it under control.

Health experts said that by including basil in the daily diet, benefits can be obtained from it. Consuming basil tea, its leaves, or extract can provide physical and mental health benefits.

Whether you want to control blood sugar or prevent cholesterol from increasing, consuming basil leaves on an empty stomach can be beneficial for you. It contains a series of compounds and nutrients that can protect you from serious health problems.

Benefits of basil leaves
Studies have found basil leaves and their extract to be very beneficial for health. It contains calcium, zinc, and iron along with vitamins A and C, which our body needs regularly. It is beneficial from protecting you from infectious diseases like flu to increasing immunity.

Let us know how basil can be beneficial in two rapidly increasing serious and chronic health problems?

Blood pressure and cholesterol remain under control

Studies have found that people who have heart problems can benefit from regularly consuming basil leaves. Basil leaves can be beneficial in reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. A study found that the oil (eugenol) present in basil reduces stress-induced cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels decreased in rats with and without diabetes after eating basil leaf powder.

Benefits are also found in diabetes

Just like blood pressure and cholesterol, basil is also beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. It has medicinal properties that can help keep blood sugar under control for type-2 diabetes patients. Studies conducted on both animals and humans have shown that basil can help prevent the symptoms of diabetes. Tulsi can also be beneficial in controlling excess insulin in the blood, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure caused by diabetes.