Health Harmed By Cigarette Smoking: Smoking is dangerous for women's health and sex life. Let us know, what is the effect of smoking on the sex life of women.

Women's Health Harmed By Cigarette Smoking: Smoking is dangerous for women's health and sex life. This habit has many side effects which as a result seriously affect their health. Let us know, what is the effect of smoking on the sex life of women.

Smoking affects women's health

1-Difficulties of periods have to be faced. Menstrual difficulties are a common problem in healthy women who smoke


2-There is a decrease in sexual desire. Smoking causes a runny nose and cough which leads to a lack of desire for sexual intercourse. This problem increases even more in women who smoke more.

3-The tension in the vagina increases. The habit of smoking has a very negative effect on the sex life of women. There is indeed a connection between smoking and sexual problems.

4-Dryness is felt during sex. Due to the dryness felt by the habit of smoking, there is a decrease in the fluids produced by the vagina, which causes dryness during sexual intercourse. This is especially seen in healthy women affected by smoking.

5-There is an effect on the vagina and white flow. Smoking smells bad in women's vaginas and causes rashes and itching. Along with this, the white flow is also very less due to which women do not remain balanced.

6-Balanced hormone levels are affected. In women, smoking lowers hormones like testosterone and estrogen, which disturbs the balanced hormone levels. This is harmful and can cause a decrease in sexual desire.

7-Women can face infertile emeralds and uterine problems. Infertility and uterine problems are possible in women who smoke. Due to the negative effects of smoking, it is very important to avoid it.

8-The risk of heart disease increases. Smoking increases the risk of heart disease in women. Smoking increases the risk of heart attack and many other heart diseases for women. It directly affects all sex life.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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