Sweating is an essential function of the body. Sweating is necessary to maintain the temperature of the body. Sweating comes to everyone, but the smell of sweat is not common. Many reasons are hidden behind the special smell of sweat. Even if people try to cover it by applying perfume, it is difficult to control this stench. Most people believe that the reason for the bad smell of sweat is some bacteria, but it is wrong to think so. Let us know what are the reasons behind sweating and what diseases it is a sign of.

Odor in sweat can be a symptom of diabetes. Due to diabetes, the level of blood sugar increases, due to which there are changes in the body, and in many cases, the sweat starts smelling. There is a different smell in the sweat when there is diabetes.

Sweating can be a sign of an overactive thyroid gland. When the thyroid gland works more, then there is more sweating. This sweat can smell.

Due to stress, sweat starts to smell. Excessive sweating occurs when there is stress. If the sweat smells, then it can be a sign of stress. If you want to control the smell of sweat, then it is necessary to stay away from stress.

Many people take medicines for every small thing. Due to medicines, sweat smells of medicines. This is not good for health. Unnecessarily consuming more medicines can cause harm to health.

Wrong eating (Food)
Due to eating the wrong things, sweat starts smelling. Many people's body stinks due to eating raw garlic and onions. If you eat less spicy food than before and then start eating spicy food, then it can become the reason for the bad smell in your sweat.