After saying goodbye to the year 2023, we have now entered the new year 2024. Let us start now to ensure that this whole year is better for our health, we remain safe from all diseases and can enjoy life to the fullest. Some daily habits can be very helpful in keeping you healthy and fit, so why not make a 'healthy start' to the day?

Health experts say, that this year also faces many challenges from a health point of view. Be it Corona cases increasing once again in the country or challenges regarding heart health, the danger of infectious diseases, or mental health problems, we need to make continuous efforts to avoid all these problems.

To increase immunity, maintain fitness, and prevent diseases, make some important changes in your daily routine today and now.

Hot water in the morning and then 30 minutes of exercise.
Health experts say that to keep the body healthy, it is important that your diet and daily habits are correct. Make a habit of drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning. Drinking plenty of water reduces the risk of dehydration and removes toxicity from the body. After this, take out time for at least 30 minutes of yoga and exercise every morning. These habits can be especially beneficial in keeping you fit both physically and mentally.

Nutritious snacks and meals
Food is the source of energy for our body, studies show that the type of food we eat has a direct impact on our health. Morning breakfast is the most important thing in the diet. Have a hearty breakfast, which should include fruits, raw vegetables, eggs, milk, nuts and seeds. After about 8-10 hours of empty stomachs at night, the body needs a healthy and filling diet in the morning.

Lunch should not be heavy, include green vegetables, greens, and curd it. Having colorful vegetables on your plate, a salad of raw vegetables gives you nutrition. Make a habit of walking for a few minutes after meals.

Don't sit too much during the day, keep drinking water
Sitting for too long can increase many diseases. If you work in an office and have to sit for a long time, then get up from your chair every half hour, stretch your body, and take a walk around. Increasing physical inactivity can lead to the risk of problems like blood pressure and sugar.

Apart from this, aim to drink a small amount of water every half hour. Keeping the body hydrated is important in every season. Aim to drink at least 3-4 liters of water a day.

Early dinner and good sleep are necessary
Make a habit of having dinner early in the evening. The time between 6-7 pm is considered most appropriate. Dinner should always be very light. Include nutritious things and green vegetables in it. Do not eat fruits at night. After dinner, take a walk for at least 10-15 minutes. Be sure to go to sleep by 10 p.m. Consuming a pinch of turmeric mixed with warm milk before sleeping helps increase your immunity and protect you from many diseases.

If these habits are followed daily, you can get better improvement in health.

(PC: iStock)