Eating dry fruits is considered very beneficial for health because there is no shortage of nutrients in them. Diabetes patients are also advised to eat dry fruits, and just avoid eating raisins. Many experts believe that eating pistachios in diabetes is a good habit, it can have many other benefits for our body.

Important nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates are found in Pistachios, which are considered beneficial for the body, apart from this, the amount of fat and calories in this dry fruit is low, which makes it a healthy food. Gives status. Let us know why we should eat it.

Diabetes patients should eat pistachios regularly, because the glycemic index of this dry fruit is very low, due to which the blood sugar level is maintained.

People who eat pistachios regularly, have their body's immunity started increasing zinc and vitamin B6 are found in this dry fruit, which proves effective in boosting immunity.

Pistachios are considered a rich source of fiber, after eating them, we do not feel hungry for a long time, due to which we avoid overeating and gradually lose weight.

Eating pistachio removes iron deficiency in the body, which helps in increasing the amount of blood in the body, in such a situation problems like anemia do not arise.

The fiber present in pistachios is also considered very good for our stomach, it removes problems like indigestion, acidity, and gas. This is the reason why dieticians recommend eating it.