Night Cough: A cough that occurs at night can be more painful and painful than a cough that occurs during the day. Night cough often comes while sleeping due to which difficulty in breathing, chest pain and tightness can be felt. Night cough comes due to mucus or phlegm getting stuck in the throat. There can be many reasons for cough such as sinus, pollution, allergy or bacterial infection. Apart from these, it can also increase any major problem, whose symptoms are important to know.

Post nasal drip
Post Nasal Drip also known as Upper Airway Cough Syndrome. This is one of the most common causes of chronic cough. This cough can be due to the dripping of mucus stuck in the throat. This causes a tickle in the throat and can trigger a cough. Itchy eyes, sneezing and congestion can be symptoms of postnasal drip.

Asthma is an inflammation of the airways of people suffering from it, which can cause wheezing and cough along with difficulty in breathing. Cough in asthma occurs at night and in the morning. Apart from cough, there may be shortness of breath and tightness.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease
GRD occurs when stomach acid backs up into your esophagus. If the cough is occurring only at night, then acid reflux may be responsible for it. When you lie down to sleep at night, stomach acid circulates and causes cough by coming in the veins of the throat. In this condition, there may be difficulty in breathing and chest pain.

Due to pneumonia, many times cough can occur while sleeping at night. Pneumonia can cause fever, chills, difficulty in breathing and chest pain. Pneumonia is a bacterial infection which can gradually increase in the body.