Diabetes has become the most serious disease in today's time. You will find a diabetic patient in every house. Once you have diabetes, you get this disease for life. That's why after this disease, people should keep their food and drink very restrained. With food, we can always keep our diabetes under control. Makhana is very beneficial for diabetes patients, if you consume makhana, it will benefit you in many other things along with diabetes. Today we will tell you about the benefits of Makhana.

Must have Makhana for breakfast
Diabetic patients must have Makhana for breakfast every morning. Makhana is such a thing that is liked by every person. Makhana can be eaten by dry roasting it in any edible oil or desi ghee.

Starch is present
A large amount of starch is present in Makhana, which dissolves in your body and helps in controlling blood sugar. Grind makhana and mix it with jowar, millet flour and eat its roti. This has proved to be very beneficial for diabetes patients. Apart from this, Makhana can also be used in Raita or Kheer.

High in magnesium
The quantity of magnesium is found very high in Makhana, which strengthens your blood apart from your sugar level. With the consumption of Makhana, the supply of oxygen remains correct and the flow of blood is also good. For those who have a complaint of tingling in their body, it goes away. Apart from this, antioxidant properties are also found in Makhana, which protects the cells in your body from damage caused by free radicals and balances the level of insulin in the body.