What Is Tonsillitis: Tonsillitis is a common ear nose and throat problem (ENT problem). In this, an egg-shaped pad is formed in the inner part of the throat, due to which one has to face swelling. Tonsils work as a defense mechanism and prevent any infection from entering the body. However, when an infection develops on the tonsils themselves, it is called tonsillitis. Although this problem is more common in children, people of any age can become victims. Such cases are caused either by viruses or bacteria. Let us know about it in detail.

Why does tonsillitis occur?

Tonsils are considered the first step in protecting the body from infection, they produce white blood cells (WBC), which help fight infection. They only fight viruses and bacteria that enter the body through the nose and mouth, but the tonsils are also very sensitive to infection, and they often become infected with these viruses and bacteria. Microorganisms like streptococcal bacteria can infect the tonsils and worsen the problem. Apart from this, it can also be caused by a common cold and sore throat.

Symptoms of tonsillitis

Now that we have some information about what tonsillitis is and how it occurs. Let us now look at some symptoms. You should be aware of these warning signs so that when you suffer from similar symptoms, you can consult a doctor at the right time without wasting any time. The major symptoms of tonsillitis include swelling and inflammation in the tonsils, but apart from this, there are other symptoms of tonsillitis which are as follows.

- Sore throat

- Red tonsils

- Fever -

A yellow or white coating on the tonsils

- Headache

- Mouth ulcers

- Ear pain -

Loss of appetite -

Stiff neck

- Muffled or hoarse voice

- Bad breath

- High fever

- Chills

-Difficulty in swallowing food

Other symptoms seen in children



-Stomach upset

-Stomach pain

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