Causes Of Kidney Problem In Women: Kidney problem has become a common problem in today's time. This problem is being seen more in women. This is because women tend to ignore their illness. By the way, kidney problems can happen to anyone, be it a woman or a man. But some special types of problems are found only in women. In such a situation, here we will tell you what could be the reasons for kidney problems in women.

These can be the major reasons for women having kidney problems-


During pregnancy, women may have problems related to the kidney. By the way, at this time there is pressure on the kidneys of women and there can be many problems. Therefore, to avoid this problem, do see the doctor from time to time.

Hormonal imbalance-

Having PCOS in women can increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. In such a situation, follow the right lifestyle to keep the body healthy. Do not keep long breaks between meals there. At the same time, keep an eye on physical activity as well.


Due to the problem of UTI, kidney problems can occur in women. Let us tell you that this problem is seen more in women than in men. That's why even if you have this problem, do not ignore it, but show it to the doctor.

Diabetes problem-

Diabetes can cause kidney-related problems. Sometimes blood sugar remains high for a long time. Due to this, the kidney can be damaged. In such a situation, if you want to avoid this problem, then keep your blood sugar level under control.


Being under stress can also cause kidney stone problems. Yes, women who are under a lot of stress may have problems related to their kidneys.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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