Benefits Of Pawanmuktasana For Health: In the current era, many people are troubled by belly fat and increasing weight, so today we have brought the benefits of Pawanmuktasana. This asana helps in reducing the heaviness of the stomach, increasing blood circulation, stimulating the nervous system, and expelling gas from the stomach. Along with this, it also removes harmful toxins from the body. Let us know the benefits of practicing Pawanmuktasana and the right way to do it.

What is Pawanmuktasana?

Pawanmuktasana is made up of two Sanskrit words wind and free. In this, the meaning of Pawan is 'wind' and the meaning of Mukt is 'to leave'. Pawanmuktasana is a relaxing pose, which is suitable for everyone.

The right way to do Pawanmuktasana

To do this yoga, lie down on your back and breathe.

Now bend the knees of the feet and put the fingers of both hands in a distance.

After this, keep your knee close to the stomach.

Now while exhaling, bring the knees towards your chest.

Then press your thighs with your hands while bringing them to your stomach.

Hold the breath for 10 seconds stay in this position and then straighten the legs.

Do the same process with the other leg.

Do 2-3 rounds of this asana and then relax.

Tremendous benefits of Pawanmuktasana

- Pawanmuktasan is also very helpful in reducing unwanted belly fat.

This asana helps in curing diseases related to the uterus.

If there is a problem with back pain and slipped disc, then its practice is beneficial.

This asana is also beneficial for those who are suffering from acidity, arthritis pain, and heart diseases.

This asana helps in keeping the intestine away from many disorders.

By doing this asana, the liver also does its job properly.

These people should not do this posture

People with high blood pressure

People with hernia

People with slipped disc

People with heart problems

People with neck and back pain

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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