To stay healthy, it is not only important to have a balance of fruits, vegetables, grains etc., but it is also important in what quantity you are using spices. Because there are many things used in food, consuming them in excess amounts can harm your health.

To stay healthy, along with daily physical activities like walking, workout, yoga, it is also most important to keep the diet right, just as eating less of any food item leads to deficiency of nutrients in the body. Similarly, excess of anything is also harmful. This is why experts recommend taking a balanced diet. Not only do experts forbid eating too much fried, roasted and spicy food, there is also one such thing, without which the entire taste of the food is useless, but due to its excess, you can suffer from many diseases.

Chillies and spices are used to enhance the taste of food. One can manage without them, but if there is no salt in the food then the entire taste gets spoiled. For this reason, many people add salt to their food and eat it when there is less salt. People who eat too much salt should give up this habit, otherwise many diseases can occur. Let us know what experts say on this.

What do experts say

If salt is not added in the right quantity, it not only spoils the taste of food, but its excess also causes harm to health. According to nutritionist Sonia Bakshi, founder of DTF, consuming too much salt can harm health in many ways, because eating too much salt can cause water retention in the body and can lead to many other problems. Let us know in details.

Risk of osteoporosis increases

From a chemical point of view, salt is in the form of sodium chloride. Excessive amount of sodium in the body causes damage to your bones, due to which the bones become weak and this problem is called osteoporosis, in which even a slight injury can lead to fracture.

There may be a problem of hypertension

Increasing the amount of sodium in the body can cause the problem of hypertension i.e. high blood pressure, which has a direct impact on your heart health and can increase the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases.

Risk of kidney related problems increases

Due to excessive consumption of salt, it also has a bad effect on the kidneys. Actually, when you take too much salt, it increases blood pressure, which is harmful for your heart as well as kidneys. Therefore, the amount of salt in food should be limited.

How much salt should one consume on average in a day?

For an adult person, it is sufficient to consume 5 grams of salt daily i.e. equal to about one teaspoon. Actually, apart from home food, we also eat fast food, canned food, snacks etc., which contain a lot of salt. Therefore one should avoid eating these things also.

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